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Free “How to” Dating Articles for Men

How To Be Successful With Women and Dating

How To Be Successful With Women and Dating

If you want to be as successful as possible with women and dating it isn't just doing one thing and BAM you're a mack daddy and the ladies love you. When you hear most guys "theories" about how to do well with women, or discuss what women want, its almost always about...

This Causes You To Lose The Girl

This Causes You To Lose The Girl

Many years ago when I was friends with legendary self-esteem psychologist Dr. Nathaniel Branden he said something that was really profound. He said the "The first relationship you must consummate successfully is the relationship with yourself. Only then are you ready...

This Makes You More Attractive to Women

This Makes You More Attractive to Women

Having your own life makes you more attractive to women. If you have many things that you enjoy doing, many things that fill you up, you come off non-needy. I think every man (and woman) needs at least 5-10 things separately from women, seperate from their...

Women Love Men Like This

Women Love Men Like This

It's no secret that women love men who who are chill and have a good vibe and energy about them. Have you ever noticed that a lot of highly attractive women LOVE men and are romantically involved with men, who are super chill and have a super chill vibe about them?...

How to Get a Girlfriend Much Faster

How to Get a Girlfriend Much Faster

One thing i started doing recently with online dating is going on the first date over Facetime FIRST before i go on an official first date with a woman. This has been saving me SO MUCH time. You know within the first 5 minutes if you guys have chemistry. I realized...

Fear of Talking to Women

Fear of Talking to Women

As a human being, you are hard wired to have a natural fear of strangers. The fear you feel before approaching a woman that you don’t know isn’t just that she's a hot girl, it’s just that were wired to be cautious and a little afraid of people that we don’t know. Its...

Why You Don’t Go For The Girl

Why You Don’t Go For The Girl

One of the main reasons you find it hard to approach a woman that you don't know, isn’t so much that you’re afraid to approach her, it’s that you know even if you go through all of the trouble of approaching her, breaking through the fear, and putting yourself out...

How to Have a Great Night Out

How to Have a Great Night Out

If you stay home 100 times, the results are the same %100 of the time, you're going to have a 100 shitty nights. If you go out 100 times, but go to a shitty venue where there are no girls, you're going to have 100 shitty nights. If you go out 100 times, go to a good...

Good Shit Happens When You Approach a Woman

Good Shit Happens When You Approach a Woman

Most men are focusing on all the BAD shit that can happen if they approach a woman and it stops them from going and talking to that woman that they're interested in. Sure theres a lot of bad shit that can happen if you go talk to a woman, but there’s also a lot of...

Starting Conversations with Women Consistently

Starting Conversations with Women Consistently

Is it possible to start conversations with women 100% of the time? No, it's not possible to start conversations with women who you don't know with 100% success rate. Meaning every woman you approach stops and talks to you and gets into a conversation with you. That's...

Women Want to Meet New People

Women Want to Meet New People

People want to meet new people. One thing that will make talking to women fun , enjoyable, and easy is knowing that people want to meet new people and actually love, enjoy, and are excited about meeting new people. ESPECIALLY if that person is cool, fun to be around,...

A Mistake Men Make When Trying to Meet Women

A Mistake Men Make When Trying to Meet Women

One thing that can blow you out before you even approach a woman is only talking to girls when you’re out. Because after a while women will see you running around just going up to girls. She’ll know before you even approach her that you’re just out to pick up chicks...

Talking to Women With a “Bitch Shield”

Talking to Women With a “Bitch Shield”

What were talking about here is the old "bitch shield". Those classic lines women use when they don't wanna talk to a guy. You know what i'm talking about, “oh I’m a lesbian” or "I have a boyfriend" or “Were in a really important conversation right now” or “I’m...

How to Approach a Woman Successfully

How to Approach a Woman Successfully

In order to approach a woman successfully and confidently you first need to know how most guys try to talk to attractive women. Most guys approach women, saying things like “Your gorgeous!” or “Can I buy you a drink?” or “What’s your name?” or “Can I take you to...

If You’re Afraid to Talk to Women

If You’re Afraid to Talk to Women

Here's what to do if you're REALLY afraid to talk to an attractive woman who you don't know. If you’re afraid to approach a woman, to get your training wheels, there’s some women that have to be nice to you, so you know that’ll never happen. Some of these include...

Why a Woman Will Never Approach You

Why a Woman Will Never Approach You

This is important. I want you to think about this for a moment. Out of the last 100 hot girls you’ve seen while you were out, going about your day, how many of those hot girls approached you? The answer is probably none. So... you know, the next time you have that...

How To Enjoy Going Out

How To Enjoy Going Out

A lot of guys find going out to meet women a burden. You have to make going out enjoyable and fun for yourself or you'll just never go out , and you'll be single for the rest of your life. Going out can be a lot of fun and a nice addition to your life and weekends....

This Turns Women Off

This Turns Women Off

When you're having a conversation with a woman and you're attached to getting something from her, she can “tell” and it causes her to lose pull back and want to leave the conversation with you. Its sort of like how you can "tell" when a pushy salesman wants something...

Why Women Chose Men

Why Women Chose Men

In almost all species in the animal kingdom females chose the males. Why is this? When a woman is born she’s born with all the eggs she will ever use over her entire lifetime. All the eggs a woman will ever produce in her life is completed by the time she is born. In...