Is it possible to start conversations with women 100% of the time?
No, it’s not possible to start conversations with women who you don’t know with 100% success rate. Meaning every woman you approach stops and talks to you and gets into a conversation with you. That’s impossible. It’s just not realistic.
The reason its not possible is because you’re dealing with strangers and there’s just too many variables that are out of your control. She might be in a huge rush and not have that time. She might be in a relationship, fulfilled, and happy. She might not be interested in you. She might be going through a horrible time in her life. She might be a huge bitch deep down.
There’s all kinds of reasons that a woman may not talk to you that have nothing to do with you. If any man approached a woman who was in a relationship and fulfilled in her relationship, she’s not gonna talk to any man. It’s not just you. Sorry bro.
However, i would say that it is possible to get into conversations with women CONSISTENTLY and that CONSISTENTLY getting into conversations is something that you should shoot for and is realistic. You should be able to CONSISTENTLY start conversations with women who you don’t know.
If you’re not consistently starting conversations with women who you don’t know and they aren’t engaging with you, then you have some stuff to work on, because you should be able to at least half the time start a conversation.