by admin | Apr 19, 2021
Is it possible to start conversations with women 100% of the time? No, it’s not possible to start conversations with women who you don’t know with 100% success rate. Meaning every woman you approach stops and talks to you and gets into a conversation with...
by admin | Apr 19, 2021
People want to meet new people. One thing that will make talking to women fun , enjoyable, and easy is knowing that people want to meet new people and actually love, enjoy, and are excited about meeting new people. ESPECIALLY if that person is cool, fun to be around,...
by admin | Apr 19, 2021
One thing that can blow you out before you even approach a woman is only talking to girls when you’re out. Because after a while women will see you running around just going up to girls. She’ll know before you even approach her that you’re just out to pick up chicks...
by admin | Apr 19, 2021
What were talking about here is the old “bitch shield”. Those classic lines women use when they don’t wanna talk to a guy. You know what i’m talking about, “oh I’m a lesbian” or “I have a boyfriend” or “Were in a really important...
by admin | Apr 17, 2021
In order to approach a woman successfully and confidently you first need to know how most guys try to talk to attractive women. Most guys approach women, saying things like “Your gorgeous!” or “Can I buy you a drink?” or “What’s your name?” or “Can I take you to...